Weeknote 18/2022


It's friday, my dudes! Here are some notes on what happened during my week.

At Work

I wanted to start off my week by looking into migrating our deployment workflow to a GitLab Agent, as described last week. That didn't really go well, since a database from another project bursted into flames (not literally) for a reason I still couldn't figure out. As a workaround, I just beefed up the AWS RDS instance size until we find a proper solution.

While looking through the docs, I also read more about Aurora Serverless, which would be a match made in heaven, at least for this specific project. Instead of keeping multiple instances running even without any load, serverless automatically scales to as many resources as you need. This drastically improves performance (according to the docs it's instantaneous, but I'll have to see that with my own eyes), while keeping the price at a minimum. Once we're done with that migration, I'll probably follow up with a blog post on this.

Home Automation

We recently wanted to configure a light in our bedroom to turn on early and the morning, stay on for a few hours and then turn off. Same for the evening.

Soo, I ordered two power plugs pre-flashed with Tasmota and yanked HomeAssistant onto an old Pi. The plugs came as a pair, so I automated another light in our home. I think this will be the beginning of a deep deep rabbit hole.

We'll be moving to a new flat soon, where humidity is higher than usual. I'm thinking to monitor this and react with some counter-measures, like air filters. Sky is the limit, really. More to follow...

Motorbike Maintenance

I was long due to dust off my motorbike, but I finally did. Also, I did my first oil change on a vehicle ever!

Motorbike oil change

Feels great to finally be back on the road.

Fun Fun Fun

Besides riding my motorbike, we went to a fair in our town. It was the first time in years that I've been to a fair, and to ride bumper cars.

Also, I met up with a friend I haven't seen in a while. It was great taking a walk and talking about life.

That's it for this week. Thanks for reading!

This is post 030 of #100DaysToOffload.

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