Older is often better


I'm guilty of buying shiny new things. After being unhappy with the Bluetooth connectivity in the OnePlus Nord I bought in december of 2020, I bought a brand new Pixel 7 last december. I told myself that t would be using the OnePlus Nord for at least three years, preferably four, yet I gave in after two years due to some issue that could have been fixed with a pair of cable-headphones. I'm now asking myself again: am I able to use my new Pixel 7 for more than 3 years?

I just stumbled upon a blog post called "My long goodbye to Windows XP", in which the author explains that he is currently replacing his 2008 laptop running Windows XP with a "new" PC running Windows 7. He states that he knew the ins and outs of this operating system, so why switch to a new one? Eventually he did switch, but to an OS that is already end of life.

I totally love this. If you're happy with what you got, you shouldn't let a new feature dictate how to change your workflow. Does one really need the features introduced in some software/hardware/tool in the past year? Wouldn't it make sense to use the things that have been battle-tested for at least a few years?

As I said, I'm very guilty of living at the cutting edge of technology. Maybe it's time to slow down. I'm certain it would simplify a lot of things.

This is post 063 of #100DaysToOffload.

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