Field Notes #2


Today marks the completion of my second pocket notebook. You may view my About My Pocket Notebook post as part one of this series, since I wrote it near the end of my first notebook. I think it would be interesting to share my experience with this each notebook. One day I'll maybe have a nice history of posts that I can look back at. 🙂

This notebook lasted from 2023-09-10 to 2023-10-09, roughly one month. Here's a picture of it, after living in my back pocket every single day:

Field Notes #2

What's in it?

I used this notebook as a todo list, a travel journal, quick sketches, braindumps, simple calculations and much more. It's become a place to dump thoughts whenever and wherever I want to. Sometimes, it's genuinely interesting facts, like how to find north when all you have is a clear night sky.

Notes on how to find north at night

And sometimes it's just a random collection of uninteresting thoughts that wouldn't leave my head.

Random collection of notes

Some of these notes may mature into a project or blog post, like the second to last note on that page, while others just fade into the abyss. But that's okay! The point is to get these thoughts out of my head to work with them more easily.

What's next?

I'll keep on writing! I got a bunch of new FIELD NOTES notebooks to fill up. Since my next notebook will likely live with me through the halloween season, I opted for the Harvest edition as my next notebook. 🎃

Field Notes #3

I'm curious to see where this one takes me.

This is post 081 of #100DaysToOffload.

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