2023 in Review


That's a wrap! 2023 was an exciting year for me. I started my new role as a DevOps Engineer at my current company, I got two articles published on a prominent German news site and finally finished my #100DaysToOffload challenge!

This year, I launched two projects: sendpasswords.net and Positive Hacker News.

In last year's review, I said I wanted to launch Fling, my household management app. Fling is currently in open alpha, so you can try it out on Android or via the hosted website to give feedback! I'm planning a public release very soon.

Furthermore, I wanted to launch Kubinity. This was a very ambitious project, and although it technically works, it's very hard to maintain due to high running costs, which I'm not ready to pay yet.

I have some more drafts for projects in private repositories. One project that I'm feeling comfortable to release next year is a website for the #10ShittyProjects (working title) hashtag. More on that hopefully later!

Goals for 2024

Here are some personal goals that I want to set myself for the upcoming year. Some of them are already defined on my impossible list.

  • Build a side project that generated at least 100€ of value
  • Get a scuba diving license
  • Do a 10 km run (I really need to start moving again)
  • Sell my car
  • Write at least 50 blog posts

Prediction results

"Meta will change course (again), and kill the "Metaverse""

A quick Google search reveals that the metaverse as originally imagined is not dead, but it's focus shifted to a more enterprise-y approach. I must admit that this prediction was quite vague. Depending on whom you ask, the metaverse is both alive and dead at the same time.

"Cheap matter devices will enter the market. As a reference point: I predict that there will be a matter-ready smart plug for under 20€ on Amazon"

I found this matter-enabled smart plug on Amazon for 19,54€. If this is a real product, I'd say my prediction is a pass!

"AI generated content will be regulated in some way"

Also a pass! On December 9th, the European union agreed on the EU AI Act and will now become EU law.

"Twitter is still around, but it's still not profitable"

Twitter is in fact still not profitable. I'll leave the "Twitter is still around" part up for debate, as it's now called X.

"I still won't have finished my #100DaysToOffload challenge from 2021"

Wrong!! In early December, I decided to push through and whip out one post a day. I finished the challenge!

2024 Predictions

  • Bitcoin will at last reach a value of 100,000$, following the halving likely happening in 2024
  • SpaceX will use a Starship prototype to launch Starlink satellites into orbit
  • Tesla cars a still not fully self driving (reference)
  • Google will replace their main search with an AI chat bot (see Bard)

Let's see what 2024 brings to the table!

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