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React useToggle HookOct 04 2021Server-Side Caching with Apollo GraphQLSep 13 2021Finally fixing that annoying Cron gotchaAug 08 2021Fun with Pen and Paper: Race CarsMay 15 2021Docker healthchecks using healthchecks.ioApr 07 2021A pretty good guide to pretty good privacyMar 13 2021Git's built-in lifesaverFeb 23 2021Strategies to use a terminal alongside (Neo)VimFeb 20 2021Writing good changelogsFeb 17 2021Flutter Web - the Good, the Bad and the UglyFeb 11 2021Thoughts after 10 Days of 100DaysToOffloadFeb 07 2021My storage setup (Feburary 2021)Feb 02 2021Notes about BEM (Block Element Modifier)Jan 29 2021From sudo to doasJan 26 2021Using Macros in VimJan 23 2021Signal-to-Noise, or why nobody cares about your GitHub projectJan 18 20216 reasons the Fediverse is better than regular social mediaJan 15 2021Compiling your own kernelJan 13 2021I joined the 512KB clubJan 11 2021100DaysToOffloadJan 11 2021Are humans still evolving?Jan 07 2021I closed my Facebook account, and you should tooDec 18 2020Updates, December 2020Nov 17 2020Booleans are wasted memoryNov 06 2020Updates, November 2020Oct 08 2020Introducing my new blog - slashdev.spaceSep 28 2020The Patch-Based Git WorkflowAug 19 2020Quick Tip! 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